Breaking into the music industry, A guide for new and established bands

Over 30 years of experience, writing music, playing gigs, recording in studios, promoting music and shows, touring and creating videos.
Tucson Metal Society founder Brad Phipps gives you the nuts and bolts of the music industry and what they do everyday to create promote and sell music and its related products.

Learn what you need to do,  and how much of it you can do yourself

What You Will Learn:
Understanding the Music Industry:
The music industry is a vast and complex network of individuals, organizations, and companies that work together to create, produce, distribute, and market music to a global audience. The industry encompasses a wide range of genres, including pop, rock, hip-hop, country, jazz, classical, metal, and many others.
Crafting Your Image and Brand
Crafting your image and brand involves developing a consistent and compelling representation of yourself or your business that effectively communicates your values, personality, and unique selling proposition to your target audience.
Marketing and Promoting Your Music
Marketing and promoting your music can be a challenging task, but with the right strategies, you can reach your target audience and gain more exposure for your music.
Building Your Fanbase and Networking
Building a fanbase and networking takes time and effort, but it can be a rewarding experience that can help you grow both personally and professionally.
The legal clauses in a music contract that musicians and artists should avoid at all costs
There are several clauses in music contracts that can be potentially problematic for musicians and artists, and the one to avoid at all costs can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the contract.
The legal clauses in a music contract that musicians and artists benefit from, Creating a comprehensive marketing and promotion plan, The art of Creating, Producing, and distributing a Music Video, Networking strategies to connect with industry professionals, Strategies for booking gigs and landing opening slots for established acts, and much more...

About the Author
Brad does more with nothing than many do with something.
Brad Phipps is  a bass Player, film maker, graphic designer, entrepreneur, Over the last 30 years he has learned many tips and tricks and basic fundamentals about music, graphic design, marketing and music and video production. He decided it was time to share some of the knowledge with those who might find it helpful. He did not want to create a "How to Book" as he has no idea what your circumstances are or what decisions are best for you in your life. The book he created is more about what is being done everyday by new artists as well as top bands and music promoters to create, promote, distribute and sell music. As an independent artist you may be able to do many of theses things on your own. Depending on your bands individual goals and abilities, much of this could be handled by a focused team and goal setting. But, lets face it, that is not a description of your average band. Many things will need to be sourced out to achieve the goals your band has. Whether its recording your music, promoting your band or doing music videos, it helps to have some knowledge about those processes. Most people will probably wonder "Who is this Guy?" "Why should they listen to him?". Let me just say we live in a world where a person, like Brad, may not always be easy to find, rest assured he has  generated thousands of hours of live video band performances,  created over 50 Tv shows about music and art for access Tucson,  created over 35 music videos, created over 50 magazines highlighting entrepreneurs, artists and musicians, plus played bass in bands that have played hundreds of shows opening for some of the biggest names in music, both past and present. Plus he has been in the studio and played bass on 6 albums. Now it does not matter if he is a celebrity or some guru. What matters is, he has "Been There" and "Done That". This eBook is just some of the knowledge he acquired and he believes that it is very important to your mission and attaining your goals as a band.

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