Monthly News!
December 2022
   Well the end of the year is upon us. Good times and good cheers to everyone. Lets make sure we all make it into the new year. Designate those drivers, watch for motorcycles, bicyclists and pedestrians and most of all watch out for your local metal heads dressed in all black, listening to their favorite song and jamming along. Stay in touch with good friends and if you can buy your gifts from local small businesses, including getting music and merch from local musicians.

   We just wrapped our end of the year hosting the 4th Annual X-Mas Bash to collect Toys for the Children's Hospital. It was a fun event, with a very diverse line up. We enjoyed all of the performances. Photos and videos will be posted up soon. We will add the links here once they are available.

   Looking into next year we have several shows we are booking bands for Jan19th, Feb. 16th (Fem Metal, we are looking for Female fronted Rock, Punk or Metal bands for this show its all about the ladies), March 10th(Industry Mixer), Apr 20 (420 Show), May 6th (Our 1 Year Anniversary show, Metal De Mayo 2). If you are band that is interested in playing contact us at

    Some Things we are working on in the new year. Feb 2nd ,2023 will be the first Tucson Metal Society Fund Raiser show. We are bringing the Riff Riders Tour with Ape Vermin from NC, and Twisted Wizard from IL, with local support from Lethean. This will be an all ages show, $10 at the door, $5 for TMS members. This show will help us raise money to support our efforts to showcase, spotlight and highlight the local music scene.

    Our band database continues to grow as we discover more bands not only here in Tucson but we are also populating our American Metal Society website which includes bands from all 50 states. Let us know if you know of a band that we need to include in our database by sending a link to

     Don't forget we have Tucson Metal Society mech for the metal head in your family.The Tucson Metal Society store is now online. Any purchases made go to help us bring more exposure to our local Metal Punk and Hard Rock music being created right here in Tucson. Please check out the variety of products we have available and thank you for your support. Go here to visit our online store

November 2022
Wow, did we just lose a We have a number of things to share with you this month to catch you up on what we have been doing and also share some news and information about the local the likely hood that this might be the December newsletter is very high...I'm just kidding. This month we share some video footage from the Tucson Musicians Museum Induction ceremony, we will also share some photos and footage from the Rich Young memorial event, plus photos and video from our ALL HALLOWS EVE event and we will talk about our new TMS Store to help support our mission and we will throw in some local music news to cap it off. Remember we are coming into the season of giving and there is nothing better than sharing the gift of local music. Buy bands music and merchandise this year and spread some local Metal cheer!
Tucson Metal Society Updates...
Brad Phipps of Tucson Metal society introduces Damon Jr, son of Damon Mariscal who was inducted into the Tucson Musicians Museum on Sept 25th 2022. 
Brad introduces Matt Pimple to say a few words about his life in music and his induction into the museum.
Friends and Family came together to celebrate the life of Rich Young with a concert and charity fundraiser. Rich always gave his time and money to help local musicians in any way he could. This night had performances by many of the musicians and bands he was working with over the last couple of years. Since Rich was passionate about Tucson Music we will be collecting donations for the Tucson Musicians Museum to help them with their music programs for kids... You can donate here:
We delivered the $500 in donations we collected at Richs event to the Tucson Musicians Museum. Chris Edwards of Tucson Appliance Company generously matched our $500 for a total donation of $1000.
Uncle Fester and Wednesday were our costume contest winners at our All Hallows Eve show at the House of Bards. Check out more photos of the event here. Photos from Rick Bracht and Photos from David Clark
Local Music updates...
A Fall To Break has collaborated with 'Running With Scissors' for their 25th anniversary of the video game 'Postal' The new A Fall To Break single titled 'Gone Postal' just dropped on Spotify, Apple Music/ITunes, Amazon Music and most other digital distributors.
Brace Yourself is a 5 piece band that plays Pop-Punk. I am looking forward to catching theses guys live. Check out their new single. Here
By The Gods are a Death Metal from Tucson, AZ with a mostly Greek mythology lyrical theme supported by blasting energy. Check out their latest music here
Celestial Exile is a death core band that thoroughly enjoys bringing the heavy to all of you. Check out their latest release here
Upcoming Events...
4th annual X-Mas Bash toy drive for the Childrens Hospital.
Burn Sun City
Dezert Kingz
Thy Nightmare
Hosted by The Tucson Metal Society.
Sponsored by:
T-Town Graphix
City Heating and Cooling
Wooly Fern Oddities Shop
Doors open at 4pm. Each person that brings 1 toy will get $2 off domestic and well drinks all night. This is a per person basis.
Tickets are available for $10 presale from any of the performers or $13 at the door.
This show is all ages.
Check out our online store...
The Tucson Metal Society store is now online. Any purchases made go to help us bring more exposure to our local Metal Punk and Hard Rock music being created right here in Tucson. Please check out the variety of products we have available and thank you for your support. Go here to visit our online store
September 2022
What's up everyone? We hope you all are doing well. Its hard to believe it is September all ready. We have a few things on the agenda for the month and we hope you get a chance to make it out to a local metal show this month. We try to add as many local shows to our page as we can so you have a variety to choose from. So many great local bands in Tucson to experience. We are definitely a melting pot for a variety of music. The most enthusiastic to me is Metal music and its time we rebuild this scene stronger. Keep an eye on our FB page as we are always posting information meant to inspire you on your metal journey. Whether it's posts about the industry or sharing a new music track or video, we try to keep it entertaining. Many of you have been asking about Tucson Metal Society merch and it will be coming soon. You will be the first to know about it for sure. There are 3 important events this month, 1. Sept 10th, at the Rialto Theater,  Tucson Metal Society founder Brad Phipps will be hosting The Sex, Money, Power fest, 2. Sept. 25th at the Leo Rich Theater, Tucson Musicians Museum Induction Ceremony and charity event. and 3. Sept 30th at the Encore , Rich Young's Celebration of Life concert. More information is below
Saturday, Sept 10th, Local Love Presents, Lethal Injektion at the Rialto with special guests Theocide, Pyrotechnica, Like A Villain, Guardians & Lethean. All ages, tickets are only 5$ in advance. Brad Phipps from the Tucson Metal Society will MC the show.
Sunday Sept.25th at The Leo Rich theater(Next to the T.C.C) Tucson Musicians Museum will hold their annual induction ceremony and charity event. 2 musicians from our metal community will be inducted this year. Damon Mariscal (R.I.P.), and Matt Pimple will be the first metal musicians inducted into the museum. Matt Pimple will have his photo on the wall at the museum and Damon, being a postmortem inductee, will be placed in the online inductee archive along with his bio.
Friday Sept. 30th at Encore, Rich Youngs Celebration of Life, With performances by Versus the Fall, Curfew, Flying Half Full, Jon Russell and friends, plus several acoustic performances TBA. Stay tuned for more information
Saturday October 29th at House of Bards, Mark your Calendars now for our big All Hallows Eve bash, Live music and costume contest.

August 2022
Hello Metal Society,
  Sorry this newsletter is a little late this month, life happens as you know. Make sure you Like and follow us on our Face Book page we are always sharing informative content to help guide you on your metal journey. We also add metal shows to our calendar so you know where to go to get that Fix. We are working on getting some shirts made as many of you have expressed interest in having one so stay tuned and we will let you know when they are available.
This month The Metal Music Society event is on Thursday August 25th. This event is a music industry mixer. Instead of live music we will be talking shop and mingling with industry pros and armatures and enjoying Music videos by Tucson and Arizona bands playing on the TV screens. This is a 21 and over event and is free and open to the public. Come out from 7p-10pm
Here is a good video talking about networking in the Metal music Industry. Some good advice here
The month of September we have a few things happening. We will not have a free Metal showcase this month but, we are hosting the Sex, Money, Power Fest on sept 10th and it is an awesome line up. Only $5 if you get tickets in advance from the bands or $8 at the door, day of the show.
Sunday September 25th at The Leo Rich Theater the Tucson Musicians Museum will hold they're annual induction ceremony. This year is even more special as we will be inducting 2 Metal musicians into the museum. Damon Mariscal and Matt Pimple. Save the date. We will post more info soon about event times and admission. This is a very exciting moment in Tucson Metal history and we want you all to be a part of it.
July 2022
Thank you to Versus The fall, Sun Monkey and Sub-Terraneo for  kicking ass at our June metal showcase. Here are a few photos from David Clark. Bands if you would like to see the rest of the photos and possibly get copies hit up David or Rick Bracht. They have assured me they will give you a very affordable deal whether you want 1 or the whole set. 
Tucson Musicians Museum
We have or inductee's selected for this year, Damon Mariscal and Matt Pimple will be the first Metal musicians to be place on the walls of the museum. The Induction ceremony will be held on September 25th, 2022, so mark your calendars now. We will keep you posted as soon as we have more information. Please go like Tucson Musician's Museum on Facebook to keep up with all of the latest information.
Damon Mariscal
Matt Pimple
July's Metal showcase
Very excited for this months Metal showcase. This bill is on fire with 4 bands this month and 3 of them are fronted by strong independent woman who are going to blow this stage up! kicking off the show will be Ingrate Souls, followed by Flying Half Full , Then Fractured Earth will take the stage all in support of our awesome headlining band Curfew. This will be a night to remember so do not miss it. Saturday July 23rd at the House of Bards.
June 2022
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Next Months Metal
Show case
Very excited for our second metal event. Silence The Voice  On June 9th, once again we will taking over the House of Bards for a Metal music showcase.  The bands will hit the stage. up first will be Theocide followed by, Phx. band Zherra, then Headliners from Phx Silence The Voice  hit the stage. We are looking forward to seeing everyone out at the show!
Damon Mariscal of
will be the first Tucson Metal musician inducted into the Tucson Musicians Museum.
At our first monthly meeting on May 7th, 2022, a small group of  local musicians, friends, fans and family joined together in a moment of noise to honor our fallen brothers, then  voted unanimously to induct Damon Mariscal into the Tucson Musicians Museum. Damon was a long time friend. My bands played many shows with Grudge Holder, the band Damon founded and played in for years. Damon most recently was playing with the band "Eyes Go Black" also fronted by his son Damon Jr. Damon was also an avid fisherman who never missed a chance to share a photo of the  ones that did not get away. Damon was also known to many others through his tattoo work which he did from his home studio. Damon lived his life on his own terms, he was a good father and a good friend. Late last year Damon lost his battle with Covid. The local music community came together to lay him to rest November 23rd, 2021. He will be missed by all who knew him. Through his induction he will be immortalized as one of Tucson's legendary metal musicians. The ceremony will be held later in the year and will keep you informed as soon as we know the date.
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The Fall of Summer festival, Everybody wins!
Headline by Tucson own Versus The Fall, with special guests, Sub-Terraneo and Sun Monkey. Together we can help highlight the importance of good mental health. June 23rd at House of Bards 4915 E. Speeway.
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Theses guys have an eye for photographing live music.
Tell them Tucson Metal Society sent you
Rick Bracht Photography
David Clark Photography
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Thank you Rick Bracht and David Clark for taking photos of our first TMS event
Hey guys, we are looking for Band links to place in our database. If you know of a band that need some exposure click here to leave us the info.
Upcoming shows in Tucson.
ANVIL comes to Tucson
June 28th ,2022

Event by Pro-Motion At The Rock Tickets · $16
Pro-Motion presents ANVIL live at the Rock 136 N Park.
Anvil is a Canadian heavy metal band from Toronto, Ontario, formed in 1978. Talk about a blast from the past,
Metal Music society lets show our for these guys for sure. Get ready for an exciting night of old school Metal!!

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APRIL 2022
Kicking it OFF!
Its already April of 2022. Apparently time moves fast even when you are not having fun. Well its time to have fun again and the Tucson Metal Society is ready to kick it off with a monthly music showcase that brings together the best local music and highlights some great home grown businesses. Bands and businesses who are interested in what we are doing, please contact
Tucson Metal Society Keeping it simple.
Keep it simple stupid! That's what we are taught, so that's what we are going to do. TMS will be a community effort. The TMS website will become a hub for bands, fans, promoters and sponsors alike. making it easy for us all to connect and collaborate. Our monthly news letter will highlight local releases and music news. Plus, bring TMS members special offers from supporting businesses. Every month Tucson Metal Society will host a free music event showcasing local Metal bands and promoting local businesses. If you are a local business or band interested in participating contact the TMS team at
Tucson Musicians Museum...Its Time for the Metal!!!
It was just a few years ago that I discovered Tucson has a Musicians museum. Thanks to the efforts of George Howard and the local music community in 2007 the Tucson Musicians Museum was founded. Housed in the TCC Exhibition hall main lobby. The walls of the upper and lower floors share the history of Tucson's greatest treasures, the musicians who call Tucson home. All styles of music are represented on theses walls. There is even a category for "Metal" tucked in among a variety of categories of "Rock" music. Right now as we speak No actual Metal musicians have been inducted into the museum. This is the year Metal comes to the museum. Another dilemma, there is not a lot of space on those walls for new additions. I believe that Metal music stands apart from Rock and even Hard Rock and deserves its own wall to represent the community. That will be the goal as we move forward and hopefully we can make that happen. Click here If you would like to know more about the Tucson Musicians Museum
House of Bards, A great venue for live music and comedy.
We really want to thank Judith, John and all the crew at House of Bards. Over the last few years they have worked tirelessly to build a great venue for live entertainment and we can't thank them enough for hosting Tucson Metal Society's Launch party. They have live music of all varieties, Live comedy, a full bar, 3 stages and a great attitude. Don't forget to check out their food menu for some delicious munchies too. 
I Remember Back in the day....30 years in Tucson Metal
Local musician and film maker Brad Phipps is creating a film about the local metal scene as told by the musicians who lived it. Brad says, "It's hard to believe it has been over 30 years. My goal is to make a 2 hour movie that takes the viewer on a journey into the Tucson Metal scene an how it has evolved over the years." The movie will be a compilation of interviews, photos and live footage he says, "I am getting some great interviews, I will be putting them up online after the movie release so viewers can watch the artists full interviews as well not just the clips that make the final cut." 